Are you mission driven?

What is your startup about? What are *you* about? In “Mission Driven Companies Do It Better” a case is made for setting down a mission statement for your startup to make sure that you and your team know what you are ultimately trying to achieve.

As one of the comments made at the end of article says though, writing a mission statement is one thing, getting buy in for that mission is something else.

In “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People“, Stephen Covey talks in depth about writing a mission statement for the business. To get deep buy in from your team, your team has to be completely involved in crafting the mission statement. It isn’t something that can just be imposed from the outside.

In many ways the same is true for us as individuals. Unless we take time out to focus on what is really important to ourselves, how do we know how to prioritise? How do we make plans for the future? Perhaps writing a personal mission statement would be a useful exercise for all of us.

(A version of this article originally appeared in Liverpool Startup Digest on 18/11/2014)

About simonholgate

I'm CEO of Sea Level Research Ltd ( - a Liverpool, UK based startup that uses machine learning to predict sea level surges and optimise shipping movements into and out of port. I'm an oceanographer and I'm also a Clojure developer who is interested in democracy and Big Data.
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